Research > Research Clusters > Strategic Issues in Business

Research niche area in Strategic Issues in Business

The research cluster β€œStrategic Issues in Business” incorporates the concepts of innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability into a single niche research area – Transforming Business for Sustainability. In these areas, research is designed to contribute new knowledge to relevant literature while fostering sustainability in business processes and stakeholders’ environments.


Dr Muzamil Naqshbandi

In the age of global hyper-connectivity, innovation is a fundamental pillar of business competitiveness. Therefore, businesses should harness the power of innovation at every step – not only to manifest in what consumers purchase and use but also in how businesses create, deliver, and appropriate value in novel ways that can assist in improving human welfare and growing the economies.


Dr Nabil Al Munawar

When creating value, businesses need to see the broader picture and consider the overall business ecosystem rather than focusing on their firm. Furthermore, businesses must function in networks to survive due to the dynamic and changing nature of the business world. Thus, businesses should embrace collaboration with other relevant entities, to eventually drive inclusive economic growth and development.


Dr Nazlida Muhamad

Businesses should also have a forward-looking capability to foresee the future to discover more significant opportunities in an uncertain environment and sustain in the long run

The intellectual contributions of research outcomes and activities from the cluster contribute to;

  • offer concepts and frameworks to guide businesses to think about how to fit well into the grand scheme of things and embrace the potential of the digital economy for a sustainable competitive advantage.
  • provide insights into the management of key business functional areas (such as management information system, operations, human resources, and marketing) that are well-positioned in enabling the transition towards a more innovative, inclusive, sustainable firm in the digital economy.
